As many of you know, Coronavirus has made its way to the US as expected. A coronavirus is a new form of the everyday cold virus. So, the same things we would do to protect against the cold virus or the flu virus, we would do to protect against coronavirus.
Below are some things you can do to help your child protection against the spread of viruses:
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds also ensure the children in your care do the same (hint: sing happy birthday twice!)
Cover your entire mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze (with a bent elbow).
If any child is sick with a fever, please send them home and ask the parents to keep them home! The child may return when he/she is fever free for 24 hours.
All employees should continue to follow protocols for sending children home. If a child has a fever or other symptoms, they should be sent home and recommended to see a physician.
Classroom Checklist
[ ] Tissue
[ ] Hand Sanitizer
[ ] Disinfected Wipes
[ ] Liquid Hand Soap
Featured Online Course

This course focuses on how to effectively prevent the spread of communicable diseases within your childcare centers, along with highlighting immunizations.
Credits: 2 Clock Hours/.2CEUs
Cost: $9.00