Remote learning has opened up a new frontier in education for both teachers and parents. While many students have adapted well to eLearning, which allows them to retain up to 60% more information, the shift has also brought new challenges. Students can't see their friends in person, collaborate in art projects, or play sports. As a result, many students have had problems adapting to this new form of learning, something that has led to a 30% increase in failing grades. The significant decrease in performance has led many to ask themselves what exactly could be behind such worrying numbers. Many experts, teachers, and parents have begun paying more careful attention to remote learning, in the hopes of finding a way to reverse these negative effects and increase student performance. Below we discuss some of the most common issues children face, and how parents can help them. Content Accessibility
Traditionally, teaching involves a diverse range of tools like writing on a board, making drawings, or competing in groups. Remote learning has forced students to receive content in the form of either slideshows or videos, as teachers and schools had very little time to design lessons that fully embraced digital tools.
Every student is different though and may thrive under different conditions. Parents can supplement and reinforce lessons by using different types of activities, like reading a comic on a historical topic or practicing math through the use of an app. Not every lesson in school will be fun and engaging, but making use of alternatives can make the study process a lot more bearable.
Neck and Back Pain
Adults are all too familiar with work-related neck and back pain. Children are expected to be more resilient, but remote learning requires spending hours in front of a computer, either paying attention to class or doing homework. After a while, kids start lifting their feet and hunching over, which can lead to neck and back strain.
Parents can prevent this by ensuring their children have a study setup that offers lower back support, and keeps their necks straight and feet on the floor. Checking on them from time to time will also prevent them from reverting back to their usual posture. Be sure to encourage short breaks where they can move around and 'refresh' themselves before getting back to studying.
Children Anxiety
Being a parent can be very stressful, true. But the challenges of having to provide a steady income and support a family can make adults forget that children also have their own anxieties.
Students can worry about not understanding a lesson, forgetting their homework, or, these days, catching Covid from other students. In this case, experts recommend explaining that feeling anxious is normal. Parents can also instruct their children on how to protect themselves in class, and design disinfecting routines together for the route home to increase their children's sense of control and lessen their anxiety.
Feelings of Isolation
Socialization isn’t just a source of enjoyment, it’s also an essential aspect of development. Sadly, virtual lessons have restricted interactions considerably. Children can’t play sports or talk to their friends face to face, which can make them feel isolated.
Parents worried about their child’s social life should talk to an expert in human development and family studies who is trained in family and community partnerships. This expert can help parents map safe yet fruitful activities that can help children safely socialize even during remote learning periods.
Separate, But Not Disconnected
Remote learning has opened many possibilities for education. With the rise in digital tools and other new avenues in education, it's possible that remote learning could lead to even better results for students. For the moment though, the transition phase is especially difficult, and students have had to face unexpected physical and emotional challenges. Better collaboration between experts, educators, and parents can help equip children with the right tools to thrive in this new and difficult environment.
Prepared by: Jeline Bondle
Article for: eliteresultsnow.com